Public Teacher No Record of Criminal Offense

January 19, 2021
Negligent Operation
Marked Lanes Violation
Speeding to Endanger
Client was a young and accomplished athlete, educator, and stand-up comedian. One night, after consuming a small amount of alcohol, client got into to a car accident, which took place at 2 AM in a tunnel. State police responded and took him to the hospital. Fortunately, client was unhurt, but he was eventually summonsed to court. As a public school teacher, a criminal conviction could have been disastrous to his career. As such, Attorney Barabino and client presented to the court a large trove of evidence emphasizing his good background and history. Unfortunately, state police insisted on arraignment. On the day this was scheduled to take place, Attorney Barabino submitted a request for pre-trial diversion, which included an affidavit and a disposition memorandum. After discussions, the district attorney agreed to take no action and the arraignment consequently did not move forward. This was a big win because if a defendant is not arraigned no charges are put on their record. Today, the district attorney agrees that the client will not be arraigned and credit him for his driving course that he took and the case will never appear on his criminal record.
RESULT: Public Teacher No Record of Criminal Offense.