July 24, 2024
OUI, 1st Offense
Resisting Arrest
Leaving the Scene of an Accident
Negligent Operation
Client was all-around law-abiding guy who had too many drinks one evening. According to the police report client was operating his vehicle in the early morning hours when he drove off the roadway into costly shrubbery of another. While trying to extract his vehicle from the location, he struck an object that shattered his rear window. The homeowner chased intoxicated client with a golf club while waiting for the police to arrive. While running from neighbor police arrived and choose to fire a taser into client back of client which dropped him to the ground. Client was arrested and choose to participate in the breath test analysis which provided a reading of 2.0 which is close to three times the legal limit. Client had a dizzying night and wanted to attempt to mitigate permanent damage to his employment and criminal record, among other. Attorney Barabino drafted an extensive background memorandum and memorandum of law for review for the District Attorney. In the end, an agreement was made, where client would receive the most lenient 1st offense OUI disposition allowed by law, with an agreement that the charge be dismissed in a year. The leaving the scene charge also dismissed in a year in complies with probation and finally, the resisting arrest charge and negligent operation were simply dismissed, entirely. Client was given the minimum license loss as well and can move forward with no criminal convictions eventually after the one-year period.
RESULT: OUI 1st and Other Charges Resolved.