June 25, 2024
Carrying Firearm without a License
Carrying a Dangerous Weapon
Assault and Battery
Ammunition without an ID Card (4 Counts)
Client was a very pleasant, hardworking father who was accused of striking his child. Police arrived and saw what appeared to be marks indicating he struck his child. They then discovered several knives, tactical vest, ammunition and finally a flare gun that he had inserts which made the flare gun capable of firing ammunition. Client was arrested and detained in a 58A Dangerousness Hearing. A Dangerousness hearing is a hearing where the court determines if no bail should issue, and the person be required to stay imprisoned---essentially, pending trial. Here, the hearing the held and Attorney Barabino was successful in obtaining his clients release from custody. Eventually, over the course of a year experts were consulted and retained. A trial was scheduled. On the day of trial partial plea was entered where the client admitted to only the possession of the ammunition. The judge sided with the client and not the government and gave client probation on the ammunition. The Commonwealth dismissed all the remaining charges except the carrying the firearm. The trial was held for carrying a firearm without a license. The verdict was not guilty for carrying the firearm.
RESULT: Not Guilty of Carrying a Firearm-Avoids Mandatory Jail Sentence.