November 27, 2024
Lewdness, Open and Gross
Firearm Improper Storage, Large Capacity
Client was a hardworking college graduate who was charged with Lewdness Open and Gross and Improper Storage of a Firearm. The allegations were that client enticed his housecleaner to come to his home under false pretenses explaining to her that he was tied up naked as a prank. Upon arrival, housecleaner panicked and upon arrival and called police frantic. Police arrived and untied the client and discovered a loaded high-capacity firearm nearby with a variety of assorted ammunition and the like. Client made an admission contrary to his initial statement to cleaner which implicated him. The entire situation was unique and presented some concerns to law enforcement. Both charges were felonies, and the collateral and direct consequences were significant. Soon after, we had client enrolled in a detailed sex related assessment from a very experienced, respected and specialized therapeutic practice. In addition, we had client placed in individual and group therapy. Eventually, the sexual assessment was concluded and many supporting materials. The government sought convictions, but the judge reviewed and listened to both sides and agreed that client should not receive any conviction and probation for a year with an agreement that the case is dismissed when probation is over.
Result: No Convictions for Felony Charges.