June 27th 2023
Destruction of Property over $1200 (Wanton)
Failure to Stop for Police
Improper Operation of MV
A hardworking young man was dealing with a lot of stress in his life and made a bad decision. While traveling in a bike lane he was seen by police and police attempted to pull him over. Client fled the scene in what was simply a combination of stress and bad youthful judgment. When he fled the scene he eventually crashed causing several thousands of dollars of damage to a homeowner. Eventually the police caught him, and he was given an arraignment date. However, since the individual qualified for judicial diversion Attorney Barabino began a detailed submission in hopes of avoiding an arraignment, which would prevent this from appearing on his record. Fortunately, the District Attorney reviewed the petition and suggested the alternative of Diversion under their office control which was ideal. However, he was charged with additional felonies for another event which was a violation of his diversion and he sadly had to be arraigned. Yet after several court dates we were able to secure a pre-trial disposition where he admits no wrongdoing and attends two drivers classes.
RESULT: Case stays open for 180 Days with no record of wrongdoing—two driving classes.