» Leaving the Scene


March 6th 2019
Leave Scene of Property Damage
Client was a young doctor that made light contact with another car and did not stop as directed under the law. She was summons to court and Attorney Barabino was able to ensure that it was clerk-magistrate hearing and not a summons for arraignment. A summons for an arraignment would be an automatic mark on her unblemished record. At that hearing clerk magistrate hearing, all the issues were investigated and assurance that the other party was compensated. As a result, the court agreed to DISMISS the application for complaint.
RESULT: Application for Criminal Complaint, DISMISSED

Negligent Operation, Leaving the Scene, DISMISSED

May 15th 2018
Leave Scene of Property Damage
Negligent Operation of Motor Vehicle
Client was a young man was out partying with two friends when all them of them got in a car accident. After the accident, fingers pointed in different directions as to who was the driver, or “operator”. In the end, after police arrested a person who the police incorrectly thought was the driver, the other two young men stepped forward and under oath stated that the defendant was not the driver. Despite those assertions, the case was required to process though several court hearings, with a trial date set. On day of trial, District Attorney, in good judgement simply dismissed the case as there would be insufficient evidence to move forward any longer and a dismissal was entered on both charges. Case Dismissed.
RESULT: Both charges, DISMISSED.

Leaving the Scene of Property Damage, NO CHARGES FILED

May 24th 2017
Leave Scene of Property Damage
Client was operating her vehicle in Medford when she hit another vehicle and left the scene. Attorney Barabino consulted with all parties, and in the end, state police was satisfied that no charges should issue as long as insurance covered the damage. Insurance agreed to cover the damage. No Charges Filed.
RESULT: Leaving the Scene of Property Damage, NO CHARGES FILED.

Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury, NO JAIL AND NO CONDITIONS WITH PROBATION, Texting while Driving, NOT RESPONSIBLE, NO RESTITUTION

February 27th 2017
Electronic Message, Operator Send/Receive
Leave Scene of Personal Injury
Leave Scene of Property Damage
Client was alleged to have operated a motor vehicle, made contact with another vehicle, and left the scene of the incident in question. The impact of the accident caused the other driver, who was pregnant, to collide with a property structure so hard that she had to be extracted from the wreckage with the assistance of the police and fire department. After a year-long examination of all potential defenses, Attorney Barabino negotiated a plea without jail time and no conditions of probation.

Multiple Counts of Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury, APPLICATION FOR COMPLAINT DISMISSED PRIOR TO ARRAIGNMENT

April 13th 2014
Salem District Court
Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury
Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury
Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury
Client was a diligent university student who needed representation. According to police, he Left the Scene of Personal Injury for two damaged vehicles and a broken fence. With an expectation of a law enforcement career, a decision by the clerk magistrate and police to issue the complaint would have been very hurtful for client's prospects. A full and truthful hearing was held and all the facts were listened too. The police, the court, and all involved were fair and judicial. Taking everything into consideration and after a hearing, they did not issue the complaint.
RESULT: Application for Complaint DISMISSED, PRIOR to Arraignment.