» Evidence Leaving the Scene

Multiple Counts of Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury, APPLICATION FOR COMPLAINT DISMISSED PRIOR TO ARRAIGNMENT

April 13th 2014
Salem District Court
Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury
Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury
Leaving the Scene of Personal Injury
Client was a diligent university student who needed representation. According to police, he Left the Scene of Personal Injury for two damaged vehicles and a broken fence. With an expectation of a law enforcement career, a decision by the clerk magistrate and police to issue the complaint would have been very hurtful for client's prospects. A full and truthful hearing was held and all the facts were listened too. The police, the court, and all involved were fair and judicial. Taking everything into consideration and after a hearing, they did not issue the complaint.
RESULT: Application for Complaint DISMISSED, PRIOR to Arraignment.