October 27th 2008
OUI- Liquor or .08%
Breakdown Lane Violation
Marked Lanes Violation
Client was reportedly driving erratically when police arrived at the scene and observed the same. Upon an investigatory stop, the police took note of a nearly empty vodka bottle and an apologetic client. According to the police officer, client was unable to comprehend the instructions he had been given. During the stop, the officer made observations that included red glassy eyes, slurred speech and the pungent smell of alcohol. Additionally, the officer indicated that the client made several admissions to driving under the influence. With the following facts before the court, Attorney Barabino and client sought to make an admission so that he could be allowed to regain his right to drive and put the matter in the past. Attorney Barabino was able to negotiate a "not responsible" on one of the two civil infractions and the optimal disposition allowed by law on the OUI, short of a not guilty.
RESULT: ONE COUNT NOT RESPONSIBLE, OUI Liquor Probation for twelve months with minimum fines and fees allowed by law; upon completion of probation case will be DISMISSED if completed probation.