Deriving Support from Prostitution, CASE DISMISSED

July 7th 2008
Deriving Support from Prostitution
Client was charged with one count of Deriving Support from Prostitution and License Suspension, Subsequent Offense. It was clear the driving without license was simply an error by the defendant and he entered a partial plea on that matter -meaning he admitted to the charge and a plea was negotiated which involved no jail time. However, the court was prepared to sentence the Defendant to no less than 2 years in prison for the Deriving Support Charge. That was an unacceptable disposition for simply having marginal and unproven connections with a known prostitute or "escort". As a result, it was a case that would have to be tried before a jury. After many motions and years of court dates, the client appeared at trial and Attorney Barabino answered ready for trial to the court. At trial, the District Attorney was unable to proceed and the case was consequently dismissed.