Negligent Operation of Motor Vehicle, CASE DISMISSED

February 25th 2010
Negligent Operation of Motor Vehicle
According to police, client traveled through a red light. After proceeding through the red light, client traveled past a cross walk while a pedestrian was attempting to cross the street. After this was witnessed by the police, officer stopped the client and charged him with the above crime---as well as reporting him as an immediate threat to the Registry of Motor Vehicles—thus resulting in an automatic license suspension. Attorney Barabino entered into numerous negotiation sessions with the District Attorney prior to arraignment. After an agreement of the terms, Attorney Barabino walked into court and brought the case to conclusion on the same day. The result was an imposed pre-trial probation for only twelve months. Client admits to no wrongdoing as long as he successfully complies with the terms of his pre-trial probation. The case will be dismissed with no repercussions for client's record.