Illegal Firearm Possession, Unlawful Drug Possession, Possession of Ammunition, ALL CHARGES DISMISSED

August 7th 2008
Possession of a firearm without a valid License Chapter 269 Section 10
Unlawful Drug Possession Chapter 94C Section 34
Possession of Ammunition Chapter 269 Section 10(h) Section (1)
Client, a young, professional boxer was leaving a hotel in Middleton Massachusetts when a State Police trooper noticed what he thought was suspicious behavior and a moving violation. Upon stopping client, trooper inventoried the vehicle and found 9mm bullets and what he thought was a functional handgun. After the "handgun" was tested at a ballistics laboratory, it was determined to be non-functional, and as a result, that related-charge was dismissed. Additionally, after significant negotiation with the district attorney it was determined that the ammunition found could not be prosecuted and that related-charge was dismissed. Afterward, Attorney Barabino brought the remaining drug charge for trial. After two trial dates, the District Attorney declared that he would be willing to place the client on pre-trial probation with no admission to any crime and assurance of dismissal. As a result, the client had every charge dismissed.