Probation Reprobated & One Condition of Probation Eliminated.

June 21, 2023
Probation Violation
A established, and impressive researcher had been on probation for an underlying incident for which Attorney Barabino did not represent him. As he was fulfilling his probation obligations he made a misstep which triggered a violation of probation. Attorney Barabino represented him on that probation violation and after a hearing he was essentially reprobated—meaning no change in his probation. Additionally, Attorney Barabino filed an additional memorandum and affidavits to request the sentencing judge to change the conditions of the initial plea, particularly the drug testing and GPS requirement and consider ending probation all together. The judge issued a decision and agreed in part, which was to remove the condition of the daily drug screen for the client, which provided the client some level of relief.
RESULT: Probation Reprobated & One Condition of Probation Eliminated.