OUI/DWI Acquittal

October 6, 2022
Operating Under the Influence or .08
Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle
Client was a seasoned software professional, pleasant and respectful. Client had no prior criminal record. One night he was driving admittedly a little erratically out of eagerness to get home. He was ultimately pulled over by police. Noticing some signs of intoxication, police asked him to perform field sobriety tests and a breath test. Client agreed to both. The breath test indicated that he was slightly above the legal limit, but this evidence was not admissible. Attorney Barabino eventually selected a trial. Client was found not guilty of operating under the influence of alcohol. On the negligent operation charge, Client effected a plea deal prior to the start of a trial which was a: a six-month Continuation Without a Finding. This means that the case will eventually be dismissed in six months if Client doesn’t get arrested for anything new.
RESULT: Not Guilty on OUI; 6-month CWOF on Negligent Operation