May 28th 2019
Operating under the Influence of Alcohol
Client was a very pleasant hard-working dad who was charged with operating under the influence of alcohol. According to Police, client was speeding when he collided another speeding vehicle. Although the damage was minor, police came and began asking questions. Client admitted drinking three beers and naturally smelled like alcohol, which the police noted. The police testified his eyes were also bloodshot and very glassy. And that he was unsteady on his feet and was swaying slightly. At trial, Attorney Barabino cross-examined the officer and then put on the defendant’s friend who he had been with just prior to the arrest. An attentive jury took their time, asked questions and finally unanimously returned a verdict of NOT GUILTY. Attorney Barabino requested the court endorse a motion to reinstate the license which was allowed.
RESULT: Jury Verdict of NOT GUILTY, Motion to Reinstate License ALLOWED.