September 4th 2013
Negligent Operation of Motor Vehicle
Speeding in Violation of Special Regulation
License Suspended, Operation Motor Vehicle, Subsequent Offense
Assault with a Dangerous Weapon
Resisting Arrest
Attempted Murder
Client was a hardworking father and employee who required representation for several charges. According to police he was a member of a reputed motorcycle gang and was intent on killing a high-ranking member of the local police force. The client was charged with Attempted Murder, Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon, Assault and Battery on a Police Officer, Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle, Operating with a Suspended Licenses Subsequent Offense, Resisting Arrest and some civil ordinance violations. According to police, he tried to evade a stop, and tried to kill the officer with his motorcycle and upon being physically stopped tried to assault and beat the officer and resist arrest. A struggle lasted in what the District Attorney stated was one of this officer's most violent struggles. At one point the police alleged that he came dangerously close to his firearm. Eventually, the struggle ended and client was charged with the crimes noted above. Attorney Barabino and client moved through the court process, which the Attempted Murder was first dismissed and no indictment occurred. The matter resolved in District Court and the jury concluded that despite all the allegations, the Commonwealth did not prove that client intended to harm anyone.
RESULT: NOT-GUILTY on Assault and Battery with a D/W, Attempted Murder DISMISSED, License Suspension Subsequent DISMISSED, Assault and Battery on Police Officer DISMISSED after Verdict MISTRIAL.