No Special Conditions OUI 2nd Offense

December 16th 2019
OUI 2nd Offense
Uninsured Motor Vehicle
Unregistered Motor Vehicle
Client was a hard-working single guy. According to Police, he was driving his vehicle in an unsafe manner as well as speeding. When they pulled him over, they determined that he had an expired insurance and registration. He failed his sobriety test and the red eyes and slurred speech meant he was going to get arrested and did. He agreed to a breathalyzer and registered nearly 3x the normal limit. An agreement was reached whereby client would not go to jail, nor would he have any sobrietor machine, GPS tracker or alcohol screens. The agreement was for client to enter and complete the mandatory 2-week program and aftercare and pay fines and fees required by law. Finally, as a condition of the plea, the remaining three charges will be dismissed.
RESULT: No Special Conditions such as GPS, Sobrietor Machine or Drug Screens. All other Charges DISMISSED.