NO Immigration Consequences for Criminal Conduct

April 14th 2021
Felony False Statement in License Application
Client was super pleasant person. She was charged with False Statement in a License Application. The charge was serious. It was a felony, and a conviction would have lifetime consequences. The evidence against her was strong—particularly strong. In her case, she would also be deported-which was even more problematic since she had strong ties in the United States and was a new mother. Attorney Barabino went to work and as a result of that work, Attorney Barabino drafted a long background memorandum on the client. That memorandum combined with a long memorandum of law and petition for a newly enacted first-offender judicial diversion. At the initial hearing, the District Attorney opposed the petition. But after Attorney Barabino’s argument for the program, the Judge agreed with Attorney Barabino. After that intensive therapy program was instituted. And today, upon return to court, the judge DISMISSED the charge.
RESULT: NO Immigration Consequences for Criminal Conduct.