June 11, 2024
Shoplifting by Asportation
Client was a very pleasant established widow who was charged with trespassing and shoplifting. She had a no-trespass order against her as she had attempted to shoplift from the same location on a prior occasion and was not charged but given a no-trespass order. She did not comply with the requirement of the original no trespass order and tried to shoplift a second time. She was stopped by law enforcement and given a notice to appear at the magistrate hearing. Attorney Barabino sought her a therapist and she had that visit combined with an affidavit submission. In the end, for a variety of reasons the police and magistrate extended her the consideration of the charges not being issued against and she retains a clean record.
RESULT: Magistrate Does Not Issue Shoplifting (And Trespass) Charges.