Life Felonies, DISMISSED, Client

February 18th 2022
Armed Robbery
Carrying a Firearm w/o a License
Carrying a Firearm w/o a License Loaded
Assault w/Firearm
Discharging a Firearm w/500 Feet of a Building
Client presented with a variety of presented with a variety of legal challenges. Client was charged with a series of crimes. According to Police, client was involved in a drug (marijuana vapes) buy whereas he and others did not purchase the contraband but robbed the individuals of materials. Moreover, they (according to police) client used a large capacity firearm during the robbery and when the robbery was complete fired a bullet into the vehicle. The case began with an arrest and involved a strategic challenge to every piece of evidence. The case included multiple search warrants, various firearm experts, DNA experts, as well as motion to suppress identifications. In the end, a trial was scheduled and the Commonwealth unable to present a case and the judge ordered the Indictments DISMISSED, Client DISCHARGED.