Larceny and Disturbing Peace DISMISSED; remaining charges DISMISSED upon completion of probationary term

August 17th 2021
Assault and Battery
Larceny over $1200
Destruction of Property over $1200
Disturbing the Peace
Client was a very pleasant upstanding professional. No criminal record and her only history was one of decency and responsibility. However, a convergence of life events left her in an agitated state where she did things that are simply outside her otherwise responsible self. According to police, on one occasion she got angry at her husband who went to his ex-wife home and she took some tools from his truck, did some physical damage to the vehicle caused a disturbance in the neighborhood by her actions. Then weeks later she called police on her husband, and he was arrested and a few hours after his arrest she was arrested for assaulting her adult son. The district Attorney wanted to put her in mandatory jail for getting arrested while out on bail. That request was denied, and she was never placed in custody. The case concluded with a plea agreement for a continuation without a finding which mean that the cases will all be dismissed after one year. She must abstain from alcohol with testing for 6 months as well. Lastly, she must continue with the therapy. A rough patch for this otherwise decent classy and kind family.
RESULT: Larceny and Disturbing Peace DISMISSED; remaining charges DISMISSED upon completion of probationary term.