Gambling Charges Resolved Without a Record

November 10th 2021
Impeding a Gaming Investigation
Cheating and Swindling Under the Gaming Act
Disorderly Conduct
Client was a very pleasant hardworking engineer with no criminal record. Client was charged with Impeding a Gaming Investigation, Cheating and Swindling Under the Gaming Act and finally, Disorderly Conduct. According to the State Police Investigation, client has caused a raucous at a gaming table and could not be redirected. A dispute with the pit boss led him to be asked to leave. He took his chip that he didn’t think was in play and did in fact leave. However, according to State Police, the game was in play and the taking of the chip was theft. In the end, a detailed memorandum was submitted to the Clerk Magistrate and state Police on the day of the hearing, including a background memorandum of defendant. Based on a variety of factors after the hearing, the court decides NOT to issue the complaint.
RESULT: Gambling Charges Resolved Without a Record