Felonies that Never Affect Immigration Status

April 13th 2021
Assault with a Dangerous Weapon
Assault and Battery over 60/Disabled
Threat to Commit Crime
Assault w/a Dangerous Weapon
Threat to Commit Crime
Assault with a Dangerous Weapon
Threat to Commit Crime
All around good person and responsible father was charged with a host of crimes. Client was a super patient and super hard-working father. According to his accusers and the police, he was drinking heavily and got into an argument with his fellow roommate(s). Words were exchanged and eventually those words became actions. The actual pattern of what occurred when and how gets a little foggy. But in the end, the police believed based on all the statements of the parties that the defendant was the instigator and should be charged as mentioned above. A long nearly year and half later Attorney Barabino and the Assistant District Attorney entered into an agreement for pre-trial probation which isn’t probation at all. Pre-trial probation is an agreement to halt the prosecution in exchange for the defendant accomplishing certain task. In this case a combined anger management and substance abuse evaluation the matter will be dismissed all while keeping the presumption of innocence.
RESULT: Felonies that Never Affect Immigration Status