Domestic Charges Dismissed at TRC

August 2, 2023
Assault and Battery with a Dangerous Weapon
Assault and Battery (Domestic)
Client was a positive and pleasant loving son and husband who was charged with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and assault and battery. Police were called to the home, and they quickly determined that there was some sort of domestic incident that occurred. They began interviewing everyone in the home. Clients’ wife made a version of events were violent, aggressive, and criminal. Client explained his version as well---however, in the end the police decided to arrest not the wife, but husband. Husband did make statements that were helpful to his defense and some statements that could be considered unhelpful as well. Nonetheless, he was arrested and charged with the above offenses. We quickly interviewed all involved and developed a strategy for a successful trial. Moreover, that strategy included advocating to district attorney that this is a case that is deserving of a trial viability date (TVD). A trial viability date is basically like a test run of a probable trial without having a trial. They agreed to the date and at that date the wife did not appear, and the case was dismissed.
RESULT: Domestic Dismissed at TRC