Criminal Cross Complaints End Case at Trial

April 11, 2022
Assault and Battery With a Dangerous Weapon on a Person Over 60
Assault and Battery w/Dangerous Weapon
Client was a very pleasant young woman impressive in every way. She was charged with two felony assault and battery crimes, both against her father. Client was in a unique position in life being in a wheelchair. In addition to her, client’s father was also charged with assault and battery against her. As a result, neither party wanted to testify. Usually when this happens cases have the possibility of being resolved with a mutual dismissal. Whereas both parties agree to not testify asserting what is commonly known as the 5th Amendment Privilege. However, where there is other evidence—like 9-1-1- calls or body camera footage—sometimes the case can proceed anyway. Here though, the District Attorney chose not to go forward. Both sides asserted their Fifth Amendment right not to testify and the case was dismissed—helping bring the family back together.
RESULT: Charges Dismissed; No Criminal Record