Clerk Magistrate Hearing Complaint Does NOT ISSUE. License and Record Preserved.

October 17th 2022
License Suspension
Marked Lanes Violation
State Highway violation
Passing Violation
Client was a young man who was apparently driving his motor vehicle faster than he should have. Police got involved when he was in a crash. When the police arrived, they were told by a witness that he was drag racing before the crash. Client was interviewed by police at the scene. Fortunately, client remained calm and respectful to police. His calm and respectful behavior to the officer likely resulted in rather modest charge(s). Often in cases like these, the police will issue an Immediate Threat on the license, in addition they will issue a negligent operation charge. Here, they did neither. However, they did provide a citation for the criminal charge of not being licensed. Additionally, the officer issued a ticket for four separate civil offenses. A hearing was held and after the hearing the Magistrate DID NOT issue either the license suspension ticket OR did he issue the civil violations. The civil violations, if found responsible would likely result in a license suspension from the registry, beside a large insurance increase. However, in the end, neither is issued if the defendant provides documentation of attending two driver safety courses.
RESULT: Clerk Magistrate Hearing Complaint Does NOT ISSUE. License and Record Preserved.