Practice Areas

Criminal Defense

If you are facing criminal charges, the best way to protect your rights and your freedom is to hire a lawyer who focuses exclusively on criminal law. Medford criminal lawyer Bill Barabino tailors his practice to the criminal defense needs of people a… Read More


OUI / DUI / DWI No one ever intends to be arrested for drunk driving (often called, DUI, DWI or OUI). Many go out for a night and, while they don’t expect to get pulled over, it happens. Many more think they are comfortable driving, even when their blood alcoh… Read More
Assault and Battery

Assault and Battery

Assault and Battery In the blink of an eye, a household situation can get out of hand. Actions can be taken that were never intended and false accusations can be made. Often, the police become involved and someone is charged with domestic violence. If you have become in… Read More
Drug Charges

Drug Charges

Drug Charges If you have been arrested on drug charges, you may be worrying about the potential consequences you face. The seriousness of drug crime penalties often depends on the quantity of drugs involved. Possession of a small amount of a controlled substance… Read More
Juvenile Offenses

Juvenile Offenses

Juvenile Offenses Allegations of involvement in juvenile crime can have a serious impact on your child’s future. They may affect his or her ability to get a job, seek continuing education or even obtain security clearance. Especially if your child is college bou… Read More
Probation Violations

Probation Violations

Probation Violations Probation places a series of restrictions on your activities. Unfortunately, many people each year find themselves accused of violating these restrictions. If the probation department violates you, contacting an experienced criminal defense attorney… Read More
Driving Offenses

Driving Offenses

Driving Offenses Even with access to public transportation, driving is necessary to get around Massachusetts. A suspended drivers license can mean losing a way to get to work, or to see family and friends. It can have a severe impact on your quality of life. That is… Read More
Violation of Restraining…

Violation of Restraining Orders

Violation of Restraining Orders A restraining order (often called a protective order or a 209A order) is a legal order issued by a Massachusetts court. The order requires that one person avoid contact with another, either directly or through third party contact, as well as comply w… Read More
Sex Offenses and SORB Hea…

Sex Offenses and SORB Hearings

Sex Offenses and SORB Hearings Just being accused of a sex crime can be devastating to a person’s family, career and entire life. If convicted, you may be subject to a long prison sentence. You may also face a registration requirement with the Massachusetts Sex Offender Regi… Read More
Clerk Magistrate Hearings

Clerk Magistrate Hearings

Clerk Magistrate Hearings Every case is unique. Occasionally, a police officer will not arrest someone for a criminal charge. Instead, they will issue a summons for you to appear in court or before a clerk magistrate for a hearing. The hearing’s legal function is to det… Read More
Property Offense

Property Offense

Property Offense Whether they result from an error in judgment or a false allegation, the penalties for property crimes can be serious. The best way to protect your rights and your freedom is to work with an experienced criminal defense attorney. If you have been acc… Read More

Violent Crimes

Being charged with a violent crime is one of the most serious accusations out there. A conviction for a violent crime could be devastating—leaving a person with a ruined reputation, families and friendships destroyed, or possibly heavy time in pris… Read More

Gun Charges

When someone is charged with a firearms-related crime, like unlawful possession or unlawful carrying of a firearm, it’s time to contact Criminal Defense Attorney William J. Barabino. Mr. Barabino is a strong advocate of protecting the Second Amendm… Read More

Theft Crimes

It can happen to anyone. You are at the wrong place at the wrong time with property that doesn’t belong to you. The police catch you and the next thing you know you are being charged with theft, which in legal language is often called “la… Read More
Harassment Prevention Ord…

Harassment Prevention Order

Harassment Prevention Order Being harassed, stalked, or sexually assaulted is not only scary but can also be severely traumatizing. Similarly, being falsely accused of harassment can be harmful as well, jeopardizing careers and relationships with others. Massachusetts’s “ha… Read More
Default Warrants

Default Warrants

Default Warrants Not appearing in court for a criminal case when ordered to do so results in a default. When a person defaults, the court issues a warrant for their arrest. This warrant is recorded in a government database indefinitely. If a police officer finds out… Read More
Pre-Trial Diversion

Pre-Trial Diversion

Pre-Trial Diversion Having a criminal record may impact your life beyond serving jail time or paying a fine. A criminal conviction stays with you, long after you have left the courtroom. It could impact future education and work opportunities and even ruin relationships… Read More
Search & Seizure

Search & Seizure

Search & Seizure You have constitutional rights that protect your privacy. Under the Fourth Amendment to the US Constitution and Article 14 of the Massachusetts Declaration of Rights people in Massachusetts have a right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizu… Read More
Civil Conversion

Civil Conversion

Civil Conversion In Massachusetts there are different ways a person may break the law. These include, civil infractions, violations of a municipal or town ordinance, misdemeanor offenses, and felonies. Sometimes a court may treat a misdemeanor offense or a violation… Read More


In Massachusetts, if shoplifted merchandise is valued at less than $100, a shoplifter may be punished by a fine. Although this punishment may seem minor, an admission of guilt stays on your record and could impact future education or job opportunitie… Read More
Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence While most cases of domestic violence are not reported, those that are may lead police to file criminal charges. Domestic violence is not uncommon, but sometimes difficult family environments lead to mistakes being made and false accusations being ra… Read More
Resisting Arrest

Resisting Arrest

Resisting Arrest Being taken into custody by police can be scary. Sometimes when a person is under arrest they panic and do or say things that they otherwise would not do. It is not uncommon for people facing arrest to be shocked or surprised or react with physical r… Read More

Encore Casino Crimes

While there is no such thing as a “casino lawyer” there are lawyers who are uniquely positioned to represent you if you get in trouble at the Encore Boston Harbor Casino. Work with Attorney William Barabino. Familiar with Your Situation The Law O… Read More
Pre-Arrest Investigation

Pre-Arrest Investigation

Pre-Arrest Investigation If you believe that the police are investigating you for criminal activity, contact a criminal defense lawyer right away. The longer you wait, the more you risk the negative consequences of being arrested or ordered to court to answer for a charge. F… Read More
Indecent Assault and Batt…

Indecent Assault and Battery

Indecent Assault and Battery Indecent Assault and Battery is one the most serious district court charges that a person in Massachusetts could face. As you might expect, we can break down Indecent Assault and Battery into “assault and battery” and “indecent.” Assault and… Read More